Should your Business be Using Facebook Ads?

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If you have a blog and want more people to read your entries or if you run an online business and want more customers, you need to think carefully about how to target them.

This must be done in a way that makes people interested in clicking on a link to read the blog or just wanting in general to visit your website.

As part of paid advertising efforts, Facebook Ads seems like a tempting option.

What Is Involved With Paid Advertising?

Paid advertising encompasses so many areas of marketing that there are very interesting avenues to pursue that will help your products or services appears to those who are specifically looking for what you offer.

Warm leads are those internet users who go online searching for your keywords and probably already have an interest in your content before they land on your page.

There is one big downside to paid advertising that only targets people familiar with your services and/or website, namely that effort ;doesn’t attempt to catch new customers who are not familiar with your product.

How Do I Attract New Customers With Paid Advertising?

Facebook Ads, much like magazine or TV commercials, can introduce new customers or readers to your website and specific product or services pages.

With this paid advertising tool, you can reach millions of Facebook users you would not reach otherwise and control exactly what the Facebook Ad says, meaning you can tailor make them so they scream CLICK HERE!

What Are The Negatives About Paid Advertising?

The downside is that when people click on a Facebook Ad, it is often an impulse rather than a deep interest in what’s being offered.

This type of paid advertising may cast a wide net and create brand awareness but how many of the people who click will buy the product you offer?

Using yourself as a guide, how many paid advertising offers do you click on and continue with to actually make a purchase?

Final Recommendations

Facebook Ads can be more expensive than organic SEO, costing most businesses anywhere from $25 to several hundred dollars a day, so you need to think about whether paid advertising by itself will actually engage more people rather than just reach them.

At the end of the day, it is only worthwhile if those clicks turn to sales.

If you are a small business that needs to control costs, the wiser choice may be to jump in feet first with organic SEO efforts until you can afford to use paid advertising to try and expand your existing client base with Facebook Ads!